Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Ahh, sweet schadenfreude!

There are few things more entertaining than watching the radical secular looney-left folks at "the newspaper for thinking people", Haaretz, tear each other apart. It seems all the hard-core secularists (scroll down for the vituperative stuff) are up in arms over a critique of a five-volume encyclopedia of post-emancipation Jewry which focuses almost exclusively on secular Judaism and Jews, by a radical post-Zionist, no less. This post-zionist critiques the book for not having Mizrahi Jews or women on the writing staff, and is a bit miffed at the lack of mention of religion in this massive encyclopedia.
Now, I have not seen the encyclopedia myself, but if this very perceptive critique by an author I read and respect has any truth to it, then not only is the encyclopedia essentially a WASP-ish (White Ashkenazi Secular Protectionist) endeavor meant for other WASPs, but much of it sounds like a souped-up version of those who-is-a Jew books that include people who were Jewish by accident of birth and no more. More importantly, the encyclopedia apparently has removed anyone who was not a die-hard secular atheist liberal - this would remove almost all of the great "Jewish" thinkers of the age, regardless of how they defined their religiosity.
After years of us religious folk having to defend ourselves against the attacks of these ideological die-hards, it's nice to see them suffer the same fate, and on the pages of their "in-house" newspaper yet. Ken Yirbu.

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