Friday, September 30, 2005

Tidbits - Good Stuff

  1. The new Azure is available online (free registration required), with a host of enjoyable articles to choose from.
  2. A seal from the First Temple period (not comletely dechiphered yet) was recently found in the sifting of the Har Habayit dump. Ken Yirbu.
  3. BTW, if you're interested, you might want to volunteer in the sifting (contact Zahi Zweig), or at least help them continue their work with donations. Trust me, it's a memorable experience.
  4. On a lighter note, I highly recommended the very entertaining, and oh so true, stories in Israelity about weather, Starbucks, and...the DREADED PETEL!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

Shanah Tovah to every one of my readers and to Am Yisrael. She'Nikatev Ve'Nechatem Le'Chaim Tovim Ve'Shalom. AIWAC

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