Friday, September 02, 2005

Frenchmen of the Mosaic Faith?

A while back David Pryce-Jones wrote an article in Commentary exposing the pro-Arab and often bigoted outlook of the French Foreign Ministry and government. It should therefore come as something of a surprise that the most vehement and indignant letters in the current issue of Commentary were both written by French Jews.
These letters, pathetic and laughable paeans to France, make me wonder about the anomaly that is French Jewry. It would seem that there are some members of this community that are more "French than the Frenchmen", to the degree that they would prefer France over Israel in a debate, and even agree at one point in the past that "Zionism is a dangerous utopian project". It is difficult to otherwise understand the behaviour of Charles Enderlin, also a French Jew. Efraim Kishon Z"L once said that Jews hate themselves even more than Arab terrorists. These letters would seem to prove that statement.

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