Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Justice Lost, but Sanity Prevailed (on Katzav)

A-way back when the Supreme Court Appeal against the Moshe Katzav plea bargain was heating up, I explained why I think that even though Katzav is a shmuck, overturning the plea bargain would have resulted in injustices on a far greater scale. Today, I am relieved that the Supreme Court voted narrowly to uphold the plea bargain. It is true that Aleph and Katzav's other victims did not get justice, and that Katzav is practically getting away scott free. Unfortunately, an overturning of the plea bargain would have likely resulted in scores more injustices, including the Alephs of the world. More often than not, the "right" choice is not between "good" and "bad", but rather the lesser of the two evils. Let us hope and pray that there will come a time when we no longer have to make such repugnant compromises.

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