Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Guess who's up for tenure?

Having learned that a good friend of ours is up for tenure at a "midwestern university", I thought I might write a quiz for those who would like to discover who he is (answer at bottom of post).
  1. Who compares Jews and Israelis to Nazis at every given opportunity, to the point where it becomes simply tiresome?
  2. Who's "academic record" consists mostly of footnoted op-eds and review essays in journals like the Journal of Palestine Studies?
  3. Who attacks others for abusing the Holocaust, yet hides behind his status as a son of survivors?
  4. Who has spent most of his free time and energy conducting personal character assassination of Israel supporters?
  5. Who denies being an anti-semite, yet wholeheartedly embraces Israel Shahak, known crank and Jewish anti-semite?
  6. Who wholeheartedly supports Hizbollah?
  7. Who claims "historical concensus" by only mentioning people who agree with him?
  8. Who complains that Jews try to hold a monopoly on human suffering, yet does not spend even a fraction of the time he dedicates to Israel-bashing to helping those suffering from genocide (i.e. Darfur)?
  9. Who's "academic" works on Israel have received plaudits almost entirely from the looney-left end of the scholarly spectrum? Who is getting references from Noam Chomsky and Avi Shlaim?
  10. Who is, contrary to common sense, being given the opportunity to get tenure at a university, when his actual contibutions (journal articles) to Political Science (he's not an historian) approach zero?

Answer: Norman G. Finkelstein

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