Monday, October 04, 2004

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Many commentators have said that if we only retreat all the way to the Green Line, with no exceptions, then peace will come to the Middle East and everything will be hunky dory. I will only tackle one aspect of this fallacious assumption - the subconcious belief that there's nothing beyond the Green Line except settlements deep in Palestinian territory. As a public service, I will therefore make a short list of some of the places that are beyond the Green Line: 1) A section of Road No. 1 (Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv Road) in the Latrun area. 2) Road 443 to Jerusalem. 3) Gilo, French Hill, the entire Old City etc etc. 4) Gush Etzion, Modi'in Think about this the next time you delude yourself that the '49 borders are miles away from Israel.

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