Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What is to be Done? (American Secular-Liberal Jews and Israel)

Every so often you see on the net another article on how liberal American Jews are becoming "disenchanted" with the State of Israel. The usual litany of reasons is given: Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, the Orthodox monopoly on religion &c &c. Diaspora should be at the center of Jewish life (ostensibly leaving Israel at the periphery).

I certainly understand their point of view on these matters, even if I disagree. Nevertheless, I don't understand why this has to be zero-sum game. Why can't Israel and the diaspora serve as a mutually enriching "dual-center" of Jewish life, rather than it being one or the other? Most people I know over here have abandoned the extreme "negation of the Galus" attitude, why can't they do the same? As to the Palestinians and the religion-state problems, yes, these are painful, controversial issues, but do they really necessitate an "I hate you guys" attitude? A "you people" or "Israel is a cancer" attitude?

Come to think of it, why do they see the State only through its flaws or problematic parts, both real and alleged? Zionism and the state of Israel have contributed so much from a Jewish point of view that surely even non-Zionists can see it. The full-scale revival of Hebrew (including Hebrew education abroad); compulsory Jewish education (in different ways, of course); a civil calendar that works by the Jewish life-cycle calendar; the list goes on.

Much has been made, justifiably, of "non-denominational" learning events like "Limmud" in London. Well, there's plenty of that here, and it happens all year round. Not a week goes by that lectures on various facets of Jewish history and culture aren't given in all parts of country. What's more important, it comes in every flavor – from ultra-Orthodox to secular. There are even secular "batei-midrash" and "yeshivot". There's more: on Sukkot, for instance, there is a huge non-denominational learning event called "Hakhel" that takes place near Tel Aviv. I am certain that if more people came here to learn, there could be funding for even more events.

I am saying all this not to belittle our very serious disagreements, but to argue that Israel is more than just the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or the religion-state issue or a hundred other complaints. There is a lot about this place that is positive, specifically from a Jewish point of view. If you focus solely on the political or democratic angle and judge Israel solely by those yardsticks, you are missing out on a lot. I know that for many, if not most, liberal Jews, the "classical" Zionist ideal of soldier/pioneer &c has lost its luster, but there are so many other options nowadays. I could spend a whole web page just listing them.

We Jews are a family. That doesn't mean our relations are ideal or even have to be. We bicker, argue and often settle scores. But in the end we are family, and we need each other. I would much prefer it if liberal Jews came to visit at gatherings even after moving away rather than cut all ties in anger. If that happens, we will both be the losers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think part of the over the top criticism stems from a 2000 year longing, turning israel into a romantic, messianic utopia. after all, we will return singing all the way, the psalmist tells us.
anything short of this is a millenial letdown.